New paper is uploaded on Biorxiv
In volatile foraging environments, agents need to adapt their learning in accordance with the uncertainty of the environment and...

New paper is uploaded on Biorxiv
Human cerebral organoids are unique in their development of progenitor-rich zones akin to ventricular zones from which neuronal...

New paper is published online in Journal of Neuroscience
Cortical neurons often respond to identical sensory stimuli with large variability. However, under certain conditions, the same neurons...

New paper is highlighted on the MIT website
"A study of mice watching movies shows our brain cells rely on a circuit of inhibitory neurons to help ensure that the same images are...

New paper is accepted in the Journal of Neuroscience
Cortical neurons often respond to identical sensory stimuli with large variability. However, under certain conditions, the same neurons...

New paper is published at Science Advances
Nonlinear optical microscopy has enabled in vivo deep tissue imaging on the millimeter scale. A key unmet challenge is its limited...

New paper is accepted as Science Advances
The new paper entitled as "De-scattering with Excitation Patterning (DEEP) Enables Rapid Wide-field Imaging Through Scattering Media" is...

Dr. Yildirim is selected as one of the ISFS Associates
Dr. Murat Yildirim is selected as one of the ISFS Associate at the Intersections Science Fellows Symposium. This symposium The main...

New paper is highlighted at Science Daily website
Science Daily highlighted the most recent paper published in Biomedical Optics Express. Link

New paper is appeared on the cover of Biomedical Optics Express
New paper entitled "Quantitative third-harmonic generation imaging of mouse visual cortex areas reveals correlations between functional...