Turkish American Scientists and Scholars Association (TASSA) highlighted both my work and my wife
Turkish American Scientists and Scholars Association (TASSA) highlighted both my work and my wife's work in their newsroom. Founded in...

Presentation at the Picower Plastic Lunch
I am excited to give a talk at the Picower Plastic Lunch. My talk title will be "Fly through the visual cortex: Advances in three-photon...

Invited talk at Boston Turkish Biologists' Colloquium
I am excited to give a talk at Boston Turkish Biologists' Colloquium on Thursday. I will present my recent work as well as present new...

Brief interview with Scientifica
Scientifica Inc. made a brief interview with me about my new 3-photon paper. In this system, I have utilized their translational stages...

3p paper is highlighted in MIT news
New three-photon paper is highlighted at MIT News as well as several websites. MIT News MedicalXpress EurokAlert Wissenschaft.de...

"Functional imaging of visual cortical layers and subplate in awake mice with optimized three-p
In this paper, we developed a custom three-photon microscope optimized to image a vertical column of the cerebral cortex > 1 mm in depth...

Presentation at OSA Biophotonics Congress
I am just informed that I am going to have an invited oral presentation at the OSA Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences...

3-photon paper is accepted by Nature Communications
My new paper entitle with "Functional imaging of visual cortical layers and subplate in awake mice with optimized three-photon...

New paper is on Biorxiv
New paper collaboration with Rajeev Rikhye was online in Biorxiv in September 2017. In this paper, we focused on reliable sensory...

New Paper published in Optic and Laser Technology
My recent paper entitled " A Numerical Algorithm to Determine Straightness Error, Surface Roughness, and Waviness Measured using a Fiber...